so i just got back to tahoe and took a bunch of pretty sweet pictures and some pretty sweet ones from san francisco too, but i accidentaly smashed my computer into the concrete yesterday afternoon. so im not sure if ill be able recover any of them. and two days before that i left my phone in reno. and apparently some kid named willy called his mom and said some really mean stuff, so when i activated it i got some pretty strange messages. but on a brightere last friday my dad told me i was going to europe with him for 18 days and that we were flying into switzerland, driving to northern germany, then driving to southern france, then back to switzerland. i leave tomorrow mornining at 7 am. wish me luck you prolly wont be seeing any photos from me for a while because of the lack of computer/photoshop. sorry, ill try to get them up sooner than later. maybe some cell phone photos in the mean time will do.